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Writer's pictureDelvirah Sabatini

Secret History (Mistborn, #3.5)

Title: Secret History (Mistborn, #3.5) Author: Brandon Sanderson Published by: Dragonsteel Entertainment Published on: January 26, 2016 Pages: 149

You shouldn't have picked the good brother. He always did have a nasty habit of doing what was right instead of what was smart.

-- Part Six: 7

The first rule of Mistborn: Secret History is: You do not talk about Mistborn: Secret History. And it's serious, even the existence of this book is already a spoiler. Soo if you lot haven't read The Bands of Mourning and don't want to be spoiled, better ruuuuun mate!

Mistborn: Secret History contains major spoiler to the first Mistborn trilogy and, according to Brando, minor spoiler for BoM -- though in my opinion it's a major spoiler due to the most shocking plot twist is revealed here.

What is this major spoiler I'm talking about? Weeeell, pay attention to the book cover. Recognise the tattered cloak? ;)

In Mistborn: Secret History, we finally get an explanation on what was happening behind the scene of the first Mistborn trilogy from Kelsier's perspective. After his (sort of) death, Kelsier was welcomed by Preservation in the Cognitive Realm. But honestly this is Kelsier we're talking about. Upon meeting a god, his first reaction was to deck Preservation, nicknamed him Fuzz, and recruited him to his crew.

In short, Kelsier chose not to pass to the Beyond. Instead him and Fuzz -- I mean, Preservation -- worked together to find a way to defeat Ruin and save Scadrial. Some secrets are finally revealed. ;)


Reviving a character back from the dead is a risky move. I have seen too many stories, be it books, movies, or shows, that decide to have certain character(s) back due to popularity. Most either felt forced or made the original impact the death scene had naught.

It doesn't apply to Brando, though, because nooo Kelsier wasn't brought back as an afterthought or due to popularity. The plot to Mistborn: Secret History was written alongside the first Mistborn trilogy. In a way, it is a true companion book and is officially canon. Here's a definitive explanation on why throughout the trilogy we never felt Kelsier gone, even after his death.

Do expect Kelsier's antiques. He basically sailed around Scadrial to save Preservation and, in turn, had some sort of showdown with Ruin. Also, during his journey, he met a group of people from other planets in Cosmere *winkwink* who wished to take Preservation's power. Or, for lack of better word, Shard. For good or bad, dunno. Other than this group, there were also two other from two diferrent Cosmere planet. Point is, there are loadsss of information on Cosmere that got me so obsessed I basically highlighted the whole thing to better understand the lore.

Don't forget to prepare some tissues, though. Remember the ending to Hero of Ages. I was an emotional wreck after reading that book. Literally crying and barely function due to the last imagery left such a powerful impact on me. This very same emotion rushed back to me upon reading that part in Mistborn: Secret History, though it wasn't as bad. At least we get a proper goodbye this time. *sniffs*

Overall, Secret History...

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