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Writer's pictureDelvirah Sabatini

Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive, #2)

Title: Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive, #2) Author: Brandon Sanderson Published by: Tor Books Published on: 4 March 2014 Pages: 1087

'Fleet kept running. He couldn't win, but he kept running. And when the storm caught him, it didn't matter that he’d died, because he’d run for all he had. We all die in the end, you see. So I guess what truly matters is just how well you've run





Dammit, Brando.

As always when it comes to the writing machine that is Brando Sando, with his Sanderlanche and all, I become an incoherent fangirl. Dude's mental, I tells ya. Or rather, he has the ability to make his readers go mental. Such as I.

Allow me to explain.

Words of Radiance is the second book in The Stormlight Archive, a 10-book epic fantasy series E̶V̶E̶R̶Y̶O̶N̶E̶ EVERY FANTASY NERD should read by now. The Way of Kings mindfucked me in ways no one has done before, pun intended *winkwink*.

Before we proceed with the plot though, allow me to recap a bit. Brando has stated that each Order of the Knights Radiant, along with its representative, will be the centre of each book. TWoK, quite obviously, is Kaladin's book -- a Windrunner. WoR is Shallan's, hence Lightweaver. However, I would be hung upside down in a Highstorm if the central story of this book isn't still about Kaladin, our collective fictional crush. <3

Speaking of whom, remember the previous ending? BRIDGE FOUR *fist salute* had a much enjoyable, thriving life in Dalinar's camp. Not only Dalinar promoted them as bodyguards, he also provided them with the best living condition, training facility, break time, uniforms... and Kaladin even got promoted as Captain, something that made him outrank even several lower dahns lighteyes.

Yet not everything happening in Kaladin's life was all fun and BAMF. Although he managed to save Bridge Four (most of them), give them a better life, a chance at living, even hope, he was still our brooding hero after all. So what was the issue this time? Weeell, thing is Kal couldn't get over his prejudice over lighteyes. Which is understandable, since every lighteye who'd come across his path seemed to have brought nothing but trouble and misery. But when at times it distorted his opinion on Dalinar, especially when someone from his past returned, even Syl noted that it changed him into something... darker. That Moash, the one person he called his best friend among others in Bridge Four, shared the same sentiment as him did not help the matter.

Personal issue wasn't Kaladin's only problem, though. Dalinar was still having visions every highstorm, though Kal didn't know it had anything to do with the Knights Radiant. Shows how loyal to their Highprince everyone in Dalinar's warcamp is, no? In one occassion, when Kal was in charge of guarding Dalinar's room during one of these visions, someone left a message on the wall. Which basically was a countdown to warn Dalinar about his mission to unite humankind before the Everstorm. Though he didn't say it to anyone, but Dalinar was sure he was the one leaving those messages. And Kal truly thought he failed as a bodyguard, lol. Naw dahling, you just have an equally emo boss to guard. :P

Btw, remember that at the end of TWoK Szeth was ordered to once again become the Assassin in White, this time with a specific duty of killing Dalinar? Not trying to spoil anything, but the showdown between Kaladin and Szeth is something you should anticipate.

Away from the Shattered Plains, in the middle of the ocean to be precise, Jasnah and Shallan were on their way to join the main story. Speaking of whom, Shallan was quite excited with the prospect of being betrothed to one of the most, if not THE, eligible bachelor in Alethkar. For once, I would like to disagree with Shallan as mY HEART BELONGS ONLY TO KALADIN MKAY. But Adolin is also a dear. Anyways. On the other hand, Jasnah was hoping she could find the way to Urithiru, an ancient city she was sure to be the key to defeat the Voidbringers, once arrived in the Shattered Plains. But the road proved to be more intricate and treacherous than neither of them had expected. And what did the Ghostblood have to do with Jasnah and her secrets?

The Interludes got more interesting. From just a glimpse to the outside world, now we are given a true conflict. A certain dangerous figure whom everyone referred to as Darkness had been hunting proto-Radiants to murder them. This person, with Makabaki features and a crescent-shaped scar on his cheek, might be key to the betrayal of the Knights Radiant thousands of years ago. Also Eshonai, a Parshendi whose perspective delivered an intriguing take on this mysterious people. What was their reason to assassinate Gavilar? How could they possibly be the Voidbringers, and how were they related to parshmen?

While Brando did answer these questions, he too left us with more. With the war awaiting us at the climactic part of this book, will the Parshendi return to their old god and destroy humanity? Or will mankind survive? But the most important question is, will the Knights Radiant return?


Let us discuss the most important thing first: SHIP.


Exhibit A.

The sketches in Adolin's book were of men in fine clothing. The drawings were quite good, their faces done in as much detail as their garments. 'Fashion?' Kaladin asked. He hadn't intended to speak, but it came out anyway. 'You're spending the highstorm looking for new clothing?' Adolin snapped the book closed. 'But you only wear uniforms,' Kaladin said, confused. 'Do you need to be here, bridgeboy?' Adolin demanded. 'Surely nobody is going to come for us during a highstorm, of all things.'

--Chapter 22, Lights in the Storm

Is that not enough? Exhibit B.

Kaladin frowned. 'Wait. Are you wearing cologne? In prison?' 'Well, there was no need to be barbaric, just because I was incarcerated.' 'Storms, you’re spoiled,' Kaladin said, smiling. 'I’m refined, you insolent farmer,' Adolin said. Then he grinned. 'Besides, I’ll have you know that I had to use cold water for my baths while here.' 'Poor boy.'

--Chapter 66, Stormblessings


Alas, I understand that no matter how hard I ship 'em, Brando will never budge towards the whims of a mere fangirl such as I. Hence, I'm going to be realistic and direct all of youhs to the fact that this will be a love triangle of Kaladin-Shallan-Adolin. Though Brando is usually hit-and-miss (and by that I mean miss) when it comes to love triangle *coughs Vin-Elend-Zane* *coughs Sarene-Raoden-Hrathen*, I have a good feeling with this one.


Yes Brightlord, honour me on the streets, debase me on the sheets~

I've mentioned this in the previous review, the characters are stronger and more fleshed out in TSA. They grew so much in this book, and one can't help but love them with all their flaws. I dare you find out the truth about Shallan's past and ponder on it. It's something that no one would be able to judge: was she doing what was right or what was necessary? And Kaladin, oh my love... even the mistakes he made makes me love him more. His imperfection makes him perfect. <3

Don't forget the proto-Radiants you'll meet at the Interludes! My ultimate favourite is Lift, whom the fandom collectively refer to as Someone Awesome. Her spren, whose shape is that of vines, was called Wyndle and their banter is something to look forward to. Oh, and she was an Edgedancer. As to the reason why I love her, well...

'Crazy.' 'Says the girl who talks to herself.' Lift looked at him sharply. 'Don't pretend you don't,' he said. 'I've seen you doing it. Talking to the air, as if somebody were there.' 'What's your  name?' she asked. 'Gawx.' 'Wow. Well then, Gaw. I don't talk to myself because I'm crazy.' 'No?' 'I do it because I'm awesome.'

--Interlude 1-9, Lift

And Brando has confirmed that Lift will represent the Edgedancers in one of the future books. Squee!

World-building wise, Brando steps up his game. If you think the world-building in TWoK is magnificent, think again because WoR will have your jaw drop. Roshar is too vast for just two books alone.

Overall, Words of Radiance...


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